This year, the production complex “Dobrodiya Foods” in the village of Mykhailo-Kotsiubynske, Chernihiv region, which manufactures products under the brands “Dobrodiya” and “San Grano”, celebrates its third anniversary. The results of this period showed a high demand for grain flakes and its derivatives and exceeded the most optimistic expectations. According to the company’s analysts and results of 2020, “Dobrodia Foods” market share is 13%. Today it is one of the most modern and powerful enterprises among oatmeal producers in Ukraine.
Production. From the moment its of opening (May 2018) to April 2021, the company have produced more than 20.91thousand tons of products and packaged more than 12.3 million units (packaging, bags). Last year, capacity was almost 100% full.

Certification. During the first year of operation, the company received all the necessary certificates of compliance with the certification scheme FSSC 22000 for the system of quality and safety of food, “HALAL”, “KOSHER”, “Organic” (CERTIFICATE UA-BIO-108).
Export. In 2018-2021, the share of sales of flakes for export reached 48% (tonnage). During this period, we have organized export to more than 20 countries, including such exacting markets like China, USA, UAE, EU, Brazil, and others. Therefore, products made by “Dobrodiya Foods” find their consumers regardless of continents, culture and religion.
Investments. As for the investments into the opening of the plant and its improvement, in three years it amounts more than $12 million. The production lines implement the latest developments of the world leading manufacturer of equipment the “Buhler” company (Switzerland). The plant is fully automated, and this minimizes the human factor in production.
Environmental Protection. The ecological interests of the region and local residents were also taken into account during the construction of the plant. The latest eco-friendly technologies are used: the complex has an aspiration system (air purification), which meets modern European standards and does not pollute the environment. Waste-free production has been introduced. The plant has switched to alternative energy sources to minimize the negative impact on the environment: the bio-boiler uses oat husks and waste from grain cleaning machines, and the steam generated during combustion is used in production and for heating of premises.
Taxes, social initiatives. During the operation of the plants, more than UAH 10.5 million was paid to local budgets. In addition, “Dobrodiya Foods” constantly supports and independently implements various social and charitable actions (support of hospitals, veterans, schoolchildren, other initiatives).